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Day 5 - Lure of Lighthouses & Fortress of Louisbourg

Day 5 - Lure of Lighthouses & Fortress of Louisbourg

Duration: 3hr 30 min

Available: Day 5 8:30 am

Activity Level: Mild - Full participation may require leisurely walking over primarily even surfaces. There may be a limited number of steps, a minimal amount of cobblestones or uneven surfaces, and some standing for extended periods of time.



Discover Cape Breton’s French-colonial heritage at the landmark Louisbourg Lighthouse and at the Fortress of Louisbourg, a living-history museum. The route from Sydney to the east coast takes you across the wide, calm Mira River. At the 1923 Louisbourg Lighthouse, admire the views and see the remains of the original 1734 stone tower. On the other side of the harbor is the reconstruction of the fortified 18th-century town. After a site orientation with your tour guide, you are free to stroll the grounds, visit the buildings, and chat with soldiers, fishermen, and townspeople, whose period dress and activities illustrate life here in the 1740s.



  • Louisbourg Lighthouse: Visit the historic Louisbourg Lighthouse, once a beacon to both sailors and pirates alike.
  • Fortress of Louisbourg: Explore the Fortress independently, taking in the beautiful architecture, fascinating exhibits and live animators depicting life in the 1700s.


Important details and advisements

  • Guests must be able to enter/exit the tour vehicle unassisted.
  • This tour takes place in a foreign country where laws, regulations and business practices may vary from your home country. This could include significant differences in transportation mode and quality, infrastructure, regulations, and driving practices. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the associated risks and travel warning at,, or your country equivalent travel advisory system, and consider when selecting or participating in any tour.
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